Professor Emeritus of Inorganic Chemistry at the University of Perugia and member of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Dr. Sgamellotti is also an honorary member of the Accademia delle Arti Disegno in Florence. He is a doctor honoris causa of the National Univeristy of San Martín (UNSAM) in Buenos Aires, and a partner of European projects in cultural heritage since 1999. He is co-founder, with Bruno Brunetti, of the mobile laboratory MOLAB and honorary President of the SMAArt (Scientific Methodologies applied to Archaeology and Art) Center of Excellence of Perugia University. Due to its scientific value and its uniqueness, the MOLAB has been recognized by the European Union as a European infrastructure providing transnational access to research in the physical sciences and humanities.
He is author of more than 400 publications on scientific international journals and co-editor of the volumes published by the Royal Society of Chemistry: “Science and Art. The Painted Surface” (2014) and “Science and Art. The Contemporary Painted Surface” (2020).
Antonio Sgamellotti’s research focused on two main themes: theoretical investigations in inorganic chemistry and chemical-physical investigations in the field of cultural heritage.